This application is made to able vendors ( restaurant - pharmacies - factories - posts - store - e-commerce stores) who contracted with mashaweer to put their menu or items or products on it with photos and prices
When he open the applicaton he will see his branch ( location ) - beside it he will see products or menu - beside it he will see analytics
When he tap on his menu or products
1- Menu or products : this tap will able him to see every category and product he listed and ables him to put his products and categories
He can see categories or products in list view or in grid view
- If he want to put a category he will see add a category tap this will able him to put a category including ( category name, category ID )
- If he want to put a products he will tap in add product
He will put product name , photo , weight , size in CM length and width , colors , tags , SKU , Product ID , price , additional informations
He can also put product variable ( if the same product has another color or size or taste )
in branches tap
He will see every branch he has when he tap on branch he will setup branch details including ( location on google maps , location written , phone number and availability times )
In analytics he will see his performance with mashaweer and earnings and views and every tap in every product
Ranking products according to views and orders and earnings